We are a large tradition stamping manufacturer for automotive industry located in Catalonia since 1964.
Starting as a tooling company, we develop integrated processes that allow us leading the market with our technology for design the tooling and the stamping process.
Our new premises in L’Arboç have 2.400 m2 -28.000 sqft down the roof within a 4.300 m3 -50.000 sqft estate.
Inside we allocate 7 automatic feeding lines, up to 315 tons – 0,7 million pounds of displacement at 90 cicle/min, other 6 manually feeding lines and other auxiliary machinery.
As a part of automotive industry we sell all around the world in 4 continents, JIT and with less than two single digit ppm quality.
We have certified our quality under ISO9001:2015, and as a part of the automotive industry under the IATF16949:2016 as well. Our commitment with environment and social responsibility also made us certify ISO14001:2015
We also design our stamping processes and tools, to achieve better quality, reliability and cost.
We developed a new technology to manufacture stamping tools with such a modular flexibility that allow introduce several (23 in one!) different measured and shaped pieces from 120 to 800 mm length, 14 to 120 mm width and 0.5 to 2 mm of thickness.
This idea was awarded as a solution for 10>3 to10>5 consumption pieces (no new tooling needed!)
Let us know what you need and have a second opinion!
Let’s talk
If you want to know more about us, or contact us, please, do not hesitate to do so. Let us visit you, or come here to visit us.
Call us at (+34) 93 699 4548 or send us an email to info@symyb.com with all your needs, drawings and specifications (lot size, quantity per year, etc)..
We will surprise you!
Projecte acollit al programa d’incentius lligats a l’autoconsum i l’emmagatzematge, amb fonts d’energia renovable, així com a la implantació de sistemes tèrmics renovables en el sector residencial, en el marc del Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliència, finançat per la Unió Europea – NextGenerationEU
Nos complace anunciar que hemos sido seleccionados para recibir
cofinanciación europea a través del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y
Resiliencia (PRTR) para para el proyecto: DIGIGEST. Este proyecto forma
parte del programa de impulso a la competitividad y sostenibilidad industrial,
específicamente en la línea de apoyo a proyectos de digitalización de procesos
y organización en empresas industriales, bajo el Componente 12, “Política
Industrial España 2030”.
Nos complace anunciar que hemos sido seleccionados para recibir
cofinanciación europea a través del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y
Resiliencia (PRTR) para el proyecto: ROBOTIZA. Este proyecto forma parte
del programa de impulso a la competitividad y sostenibilidad industrial,
específicamente en la línea de apoyo a proyectos de digitalización de procesos
y organización en empresas industriales, bajo el Componente 12, “Política
Industrial España 2030”.